Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

expression in english



Materi 1 :



Ungkapan tentang kemungkinan dan ketidakmungkinan

Untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan (POSSIBILITY), ada beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan:
a.       There is a good chance of + (kt. Kerja bentuk –ing) …..
There is a good chance of catching the train of you take a taxi to the station
(Ada kemungkinan dapat menumpang kereta jika menggunakan taksi ke statsion)
There is a good chance of having dinner with you tonight.
b.      There is good chance that ……
Example: There is a good chance that Budi will pass in the UAN.
(Ada kemungkinan Budi akan lulus Ujian Negara)
c.       It is very possible that ……
d.      There is possible …….
Note: Apabila menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah percakapan atau wacana, maka ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan tetang suatu hal yang mungkin.

Untuk mengungkapkan ketidakmungkinan (IMPOSSIBILITY) ada beberapa ungkapan yang bias digunakan, antara lain:
a.       There is not chance of + (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..
Example: - There is no chance of going abroad
                - (Tidak mungkin pergi ke luar negeri)
b.      There is a very little chance of (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..
c.       There is less chance of (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..
d.      There is impossible that ……..
e.       It is very doubtful ……..
f.       It is impossible ……..
Note: Apabila menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah percakapan atau wacana, maka ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan tetang suatu hal yang tidak  mungkin.

Contoh dalam doalog:
Andi    : Where is Reza, Bud?
Budi    : He went to the zoo an hour ago
Andi    : Oh, I was too late to see him.
Budi    : There is a good chance of catching)* him if you take a taxi.
Andi    : Do you know his phone number? May be I can contact him first.
Budi    : I think there’s little chance of contacting)** him by phone.
Andi    : OK, I’ll try to catch him by taxi.

)* Ungkapan possibility,         )** Ungkapan ketidak mungkinan

Materi 2 :



Ungkapan tentang kepastian/keyakinan dan ketidakpastian/ketidak yakinan

A.    Ungkapan kepastian/keyakinan (CERTAINTY):
1.      I am sure (saya yakin)……
2.      I’m absolutely certain (saya sangat yakin)……
3.      I am a hundred percent certain ……
4.      I have no doubt (saya tidak ragu)……
5.      I’m quite sure ……
Contoh dalam kalimat:
a.       I am sure you will pass in the National test, if you study hard
b.      Budi has no doubt in his answer for the English test
c.       The leader is a hundred percent certain about the program, dll.
B.     Ungkapan ketidakpastian/ketidakyakinan (UNCERTAINTY):
1.      I’m not sure ……
2.      I’m not really sure ……
3.      I can’t say that for certain …..
4.      I can’t say that for sure ……
5.      I am afraid I can’t be certain …..
Contoh-contoh dalam kalimat:
a.       I’m not sure Andi will come here tonight
b.      I can’t say that for certain all students pass in the test
c.       Susi is not really sure that Alan will be love her

Contoh dalam dialog:
Rini     : Rina, are sure Sani will come? We have been waiting for her for more than 2 hours
Rina     : Don’t worry Rini, I’m sure)*  he will come soon. Yesterday he promised to come.
Rini     : I can’t say that for sure)**  he will come.
)* Ungkapan keyakinan/kepastian                  )** Ungkapan ketidakpastian/ketidakyakinan.

Materi 3 :



(Ungkapan tentang setuju dan tidak setuju)

A.    AGREEMENT (kesetujuan)
1.      I agree (saya setuju)
2.      I am with you (saya sependapat dengan anda)
3.      I think so (saya kira begitu)
4.      It certainly is (saya kira juga)
5.      That is what I was thinking (itulah yang saya pikirkan/pkirannya saya juga begitu)
6.      I am of the same opinion (pendapat saya sama)
B.     DISAGREEMENT (kedak setujuan)
1.      I disagree (saya tidak setuju)
2.      I am not with you (saya tidak sependapat)
3.      I can agree with (saya tidak dapat menyetujui pendapat anda)
4.      I can’t be along with you (saya tidak sepaham)
5.      I wouldn’t say that (saya tidak bias mengatakan begitu)
6.      I don’t think so (saya kira bukan begitu)
Disamping ungkapan-ungkapan diatas, dapat juga seperti:
-          I don’t entirely agree with …….
-          I see what you mean, but ……
-          I agree, but ……
-          Yes, but on the other hand ……
-          Yes, but don’t you think …..

Materi 4 :


ungkapan tentang kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan

Study the following summary:
1. A     : What do you think of this flower?
    B     : I like it.
2. Students were not satisfied with the Biology teacher.
Beberapa ungkapan tentan kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan yang biasa digunakan:
A.    SATISFACTION (kepuasan)
-          I like it
-          I really like it
-          I am satisfied with it
-          I enjoy it
B.     DISSATISFACTION (ketidakpuasan):
-          I dislike it
-          I am dissatisfied with it
-          I don’t enjoy it

Contoh-contoh dalam kalimat:
1.      I really like with the film in the movie last night)*
2.      I was satisfied with SLANK concert in Lapangan Merdeka, last Sunday)*
3.      We don’t like the horror film)**
4.      I don’t satisfied with her service in wedding party)**

Contoh dalam doalog:
Roy     : What do you think of that picture?
Rani     : I think it is great. I like it)*
Roy     : Why do you like it?
Rani     : The picture is full various colors. It makes me feel satisfied.)*
Roy     : What kind of pictures do you enjoy very much?
Rani     : Well, Actually I enjoy)* the pictures about natural views. They can be views of mountain, forests, beaches, water and so on.
Roy      : To tell you the truth, I am not satisfied)**  about all of your favorite kinds of pictures. I feel satisfied about cartoon pictures. They are full of imagination.

)*   Ungkapan Satisfaction
)** Ungkapan Dissatisfaction

Materi 6 :



Mengungkapkan pendapat tentang sesorang

Pay attention the following dialogue:
Ahmad                        : Mahmud, What is the man in front of the office?
Mahmud          : People see the man as their leader.
Ahmad                        : What do you think about the man?
Mahmud          : Frankly speaking, I regard him as a wise and honest man.
Mahmud          : Why?
Ahmad                        : Oh, I see. But it is true that his people consider him a brave man too.
Mahmud          : I think so. He never considers his opposition enemies but friends.
Ahmad                        : I hope your village is always  safe and peaceful.
Mahmud          : I hope so.

Kalimat yang bergaris miring diatas adalah untuk menyatakan pendapat tentang sesorang.
1.      People see the man as their leader è Masyarakat menganggap laki-laki itu sebagai pemimpin mereka.
2.      I regard him as a wise and honest man. è saya menghormati/menghargai dia sebagai serang yang bijak dan sopnan.
3.      His people consider him a brave man è Orang-orang menganggap dia sebagai seorang yang berani.
Contoh lain:
1.      Many people see SBY as big man and kind è Banyak orang melihat /beranggapan SBY adalah seorang yang tubuhnya besar dan baik hati.
2.      All students consider that SMAN 1 Sagranten is a smart school è semua siswa beranggapan bahwa SMAN 1 Sagaranten adalah sekolah pintar, hehehe…..
3.      Dll.

Materi  : 7



Mengungkapkan penolakan

Perhatikan dialog dibawah ini:
A :
Jhon     : Why don’t you study Economics then become a businessman?
Ali       : I think you are very fond of business, so you don’t see the situation.
Jhon     : I deny that. I can see it quite clearly.
Ali       : I’d like to study politics. I want to be a political party leader.
Jhon     : I don’t suppose so. I want you have no enemy in your life.
Ali       : I don’t think that’s right.

B :
Tomy   : I think you’re very fond of her and so you don’t see her fault.
Tono    : I deny that.

C :
Dono   : You are far too generous, uncle.
Doyok : Not at all, I want to have a really good time on your birthday

Very fond       : sangat menyukai                   Quite = Very   : sangat
Become           : Menjadi                                 Political Party  : partai politik
Enemy             : Musuh                                   Leader             : pemimpin
I deny that      : saya menolak itu                   I don’t suppose so : Saya tidak mendukung hal itu
Not at all         : Tidak semuanya begitu

Kalimat-kalimat yang bertulis tebal dan miring diatas menyatakan ungkapan penolakan. Ungkapan-ungkapan lain yang dapat digunakan adalah:
1.      I can’t go along with you
2.      You can’t mean that
3.      I don’t suppose so.
4.      Rubbish/Nonsense
5.      It’s wrong to
6.      Dll.

Materi 8 :



Ungkapan peringatan
Look at the following dialogues:
A :
Father  : Where are you going?
Son      : I want to by an English book at the bookstore.
Father  : All right. Take care when crossing the road. There are many vehicles.
Son      :  Sure

B :
Nani    : What are you doing?
Hani    : I’m repairing  your computer.
Nani    : Good. Do it carefully. It is very expensive.
Hani    : Don’t worry.

C :
Doctor : These tablets should be taken three times a day after meal.
Patient : Yes, Doc. Thank you
Doctor : Don’t forget, they should be kept out of the reach of children.

Kalimat-kalimat yang bertulis miring diatas adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan peringatan.
Take care when crossing the road = Hati-hati ketika menyebrang jalan raya
Do it carefully = Kerjakan dengan hati-hati
They should be kept out of the reach of children = Jauhkan obat-obat tsb dari jangkauan anak2.

Bookstore        : toko buku                  Vehicles          : kendaraan                 
Repair             : Memperbaiki             Expensive        : Mahal
Don’t worry    : Jangan hawatir          Three times      : tiga kali
After meal       : Setelah makan           Reach              : menjangkau              

Ungkapan-ungkapan lain untuk menyatakan peringatan adalah:
- Look out                   :  Awas!
- Be careful                 : Hati-hati!
- Watch out                 : Awas!
- Take care                  
- Be cautions
- Watch out for ……
- Mind you ……
- Make sure ……
- Be ready for ……
- Make sure you don’t ……
- Whatever you do, don’t ……

Untuk merespon peringatan orang dapat dinyatakan:
- Thank for the warning          : Terima kasih atas peringatannya
- Thank for telling me            
- Yes I will
- I will be careful
- dll.

Keterangan :
- Disarikan dari berbagai sumber
- Untuk kalangan sendiri

Materi 9 :


Conversation Practice


A     : Any body home? / Any body at home?
B     : Come in, please!
A     : Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/mom.
B     : Do you have important business with me/her/him?
A     : Yes, sir/mom.

Ahmad    : Hello, Faishol.
Faishol   : Hai, Good morning
Ahmad    : How are you?
Faishol   : I’m fine, thanks, and you?
Ahmad    : I’m fine too. How is Fitri?
Faishol   : She is very well, thank you.
Ahmad    : Good bye Mr. Faishol
Faishol   : Good bye, Ahmad, see you tomorrow.

Aisyah    : Good afternoon Mrs. Zainab? How are you?
Zainab    : Very well, thank you Mrs. Aisyah.
Aisyah    : Is Mr. Ahmad well this afternoon?
Zainab    : Mr. Ahmad is very well, thank you.
Aisyah    : Are Mahmud and Anisa well this afternoon?
Zainab    : Mahmud and anisa re fine, thank you
Aisyah    : See you next time, good bye.
Zainab    : See  you next time, bye-bye.
Ass. Wr. Wb.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, in this good moment, let me stand in front of you all to introduce my families and also myself. My name is Muhammad Rizqi. My nickname is Rizqi. My first name is Muhammad and the last one is Rizqi. So the complete name is Muhammad Rizqi. I was born in Lombok, on October 12, 1990. I am fifteen years old now. I come from Lombok, but now I stay at Jl. Raya sagaranten, Purabaya. I am a student of SMPN 1 Purabaya, class two. I graduated from SD 1 Purabaya 2 years ago. My hobbies are reading, Fishing and playing volleyball. I like reading because I’m a student. As a student we must read more and more diligently, to enrich our insight and knowledge. My favorite food is meatball, while my favorite drink is pure water.
The second one, I would like to introduce my families. I have a good mother. Her name is Mrs. Kalsum. She is very kind and love very much to her children. She is 40 years old. He is a teacher in SD 1 Sagaranten. I also have a handsome and kind father. His name is Abdullah. He is a policeman. He is 45 year old now. He is older 5 years than my mother. He is very diligent person. He loves his families very much.
Furthermore, I want to introduce my brother and sister. I have one brother and one sister. My brother’s name is Syaiful. His complete name is Syaiful Barkah. But, many people call him Epoel. He is 20 years old. He was born in Bandung, on September 10th, 1985. He is a student of Indonesian University (UI) in 5th semester. He was alumnus of SMAN 1 Sagaranten. He has studied there since 2 years. His department is English. His ambition is a linguist. His hobby is playing football.
I have a nice and beautiful sister. She is Zulaikha. Her complete name is Siti Zulaikha Sholeha, and her nickname is Zulaikho. She is 5 years old. He was born on January 15th 2000. She is very fun child, so that many people like her very much. She is a student of Kindergarten. She usually goes to school with my mother.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think it is all, thank you very much. Forgive me if I make mistake. Thank you very much and…
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 

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